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Strategic Urban Context Analysis       

Minerva Road, Wedderburn, Southwest Sydney

Glyde_Bautovich were engaged to review the potential for a rural-residential subdivision of a 50 Hectare lot in Wedderburn, a suburb 8km to the south of Campbelltown centre and immediately east of the Gilead Growth Precinct, in Sydney’s southwest. The Greater Marcarthur Plan 2040 notes that Gilead could provide up to 15,000 homes set in a scenic landscape. Significant infrastructure will be required for this new precinct.


The subject land has been largely cleared for rural purposes and a new local neighbourhood centre is identified in the Campbelltown Draft Local Planning Statement. The new 3.2m Wedderburn Bridge was completed this year and provides an easy 8 minute drive to Campbelltown. 


The Greater Sydney Commission, responsible for metropolitan planning in Sydney identifies the site as being part of the Metropolitan Rural Zone in the new Western District Plan. This zone is largely to remain a rural zone, however low density rural-residential may be permissible. A submission was lodged with Council to consider the large lot subdivision proposal in the context of this analysis.

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